How to Integrate Promotional Products into Your Marketing Activities

17th March 2019

It is well documented that the most effective marketing campaigns include integration of carefully-planned strategies, targeted activities, and utilise online and offline channels. Including promotional products into the mix brings together several strands to add impact and create a buzz. The following highlights five ways to integrate promotional products into your marketing activities.

Colour Psychology

1. Colour

Colour is significant. Think of five well-known brands. What colours do you associate them with? For example, Facebook, Coca Cola, Starbucks, Twitter and Breast Cancer Awareness. Each is synonymous with a colour or several colours which are easily recognisable.

Often colour is the first thing we notice and when it comes to brands, it can form our first impression and longer term perceptions of an organisation or cause. A lot of research has been carried out on how colour affects human responses and behaviours. Results indicate that colours affect buying decisions. Therefore, organisations make informed decisions about logos, packaging, labelling, products, etc. Do you want your customers to feel calm, energised or comfortable?

All of our promotional products have the option of being customised to match your brand colours. We can match any Pantone colour or mix of colours.

2. Message

It is important that your business has a clear message. This should be communicated at all levels internally and should be at the forefront of your communications strategy. Messages can be conveyed in many different ways. For example, visually through colour, artwork, and branding choices, through the words that you choose, down to how you respond to customers at every level. Consistency is, therefore, important.

Messages are conveyed on promotional products, no matter how small. Where space is limited, for example on silicone wristbands, the words you choose are even more significant.

3. Artwork

Visual elements of your business such as your logo, font, and any other artwork are important. Their effect is immediate. It takes less than a second to see a picture. Words take longer. Therefore any artwork associated with your organisation or cause often forms part of customers’ perceptions and first impressions. It’s often difficult to change a first impression and you may not get that opportunity. So it is important that you get this aspect right.

Our promotional products can be customised with your choice of logo and/or artwork. We’re always interested to see how clients incorporate their visuals into our products. They are printed, stamped, embossed and even embroidered.

Integrating Promotional Products

4. Online and Offline

One of the challenging aspects of marketing is in how to integrate online and offline channels. Often this takes a little thought and creativity. Our customers incorporate website addresses and landing pages, and QR codes can be printed onto the smallest areas. This creates interest and allows organisations to create targeted content for audience segments. For example, events occur at a set place and time. At conferences and trade shows you may not get time to speak to all potential customers. However, if you give away promotional products such as pens, wristbands, or coasters that include a link to a dedicated page, it’s possible to point customers to enhanced content such as videos, articles, and special offers.

5. Tactile

Promotional products often work on an emotional level. In a world that is increasingly online, providing products you can touch and hold in your hands has a novelty value. In addition, most people like receiving gifts or being rewarded for their loyalty, which is where promotional gifts come in. They have the benefit of making customers feel good while at the same time, promoting products and services.

For further information on our range of products, contact Carrie at or on 01524 230 300.

1 pings

  1. Marketing in 2019 with Promotional Merchandise | Lancaster Printing

    […] Promotional merchandise is effective. The research supports this, and the number of repeat orders we receive from happy customers bears this out. Promotional products increase brand awareness, further reach, and increase sales. They work best when integrated into your wider marketing activities. […]

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