Category Archive: Marketing Hints & Tips

Printed Silicone Wristbands for Fundraising

Fundraising with Printed Silicone Wristbands

4th March 2019

The majority of our customers are businesses. They come from a variety of sectors including education, healthcare, retail and leisure. The businesses we work with know the value of incorporating promotional products into their marketing strategies. They use tried and… READ MORE

Everyday Promotional Products to Increase Brand Awareness

26th February 2018

Besides our silicone wristbands, the promotional products that yield the greatest results are those that are practical in nature. In other words, they are useful to the end user and in may cases are utilised on a daily basis. And… READ MORE

Promo Products for Car Firms

Promo Products for Taxi Firms, Mechanics and Car Washing Companies

20th February 2018

One of our loyal customer segments is made up of taxi firms, mechanics, car washing companies and car hire firms. Centred around cars, they all do a roaring trade and much of their custom comes from word of mouth and… READ MORE

Business Planning

How to Evaluate the Past Year and Plan Ahead

3rd January 2018

The last few months of the year can be a good time to take stock and review your objectives and marketing activities for the past year, to work out what went well and where changes are required. Take the opportunity… READ MORE

Custom Foldable Frisbees

Unexpected Promo Gifts

26th September 2017

When it comes to marketing it is generally accepted that large organisations have a competitive edge due to their industry influence and larger budgets. No wonder it is difficult for smaller companies to compete. However, small businesses have their own… READ MORE

Boost Your Marketing

Give Your Marketing a Boost in 5 Easy Steps

22nd September 2017

Is your marketing strategy feeling a little tired? Or has it flat lined and you’re just not getting the results you’re used to? Marketing is an ongoing process. It requires constant monitoring, measuring and tweaking to ensure success. Follow these… READ MORE

Promotional Products for Students

Promotional Products for Students

15th September 2017

Students are big business. In 2015-2016 there were 2.28 million higher education students studying in the UK. And it’s not just colleges and universities that benefit from their custom. As the new academic year begins, thousands of supporting businesses market… READ MORE

Traditional Marketing: Still Relevant in an Online World?

2nd August 2017

Traditional marketing is a broad and general term. It is often used interchangeably with offline marketing and refers to those tried and tested techniques that have been with us for years. Traditional marketing can be traced back to the Ancient… READ MORE

Promotional Products 101

Promotional Products 101

9th July 2017

What are promotional products? How can they help your business? Which ones are right for you? How do you get started? These are all questions we hear from prospective clients. Often businesses have an idea that promotional products or gifts… READ MORE

Promotional Products for Small Businesses

Promotional Products for Small Businesses, Clubs and Groups

6th May 2017

Advances and innovations in the digital sphere have given small businesses a huge advantage over recent years. The advent of blogging, online marketplaces, and social media, etc. have changed the marketing landscape and made it easier than ever before to… READ MORE

Event Marketing - Tips for Small Businesses

Event Marketing: What It Is And How It Can Help Your Small Business

27th September 2016

Event marketing is the process of developing or taking part in an exhibition, conference, workshop, presentation, etc. to promote your product, service or cause. It provides many opportunities to increase brand awareness, engage with customers and provide additional information. We… READ MORE

Integrated Marketing

5 Steps to Integrated Marketing Success

26th August 2016

What is integrated marketing? Why is it important? And how do you measure success? The DMA Integrated Marketing Community describes integrated marketing as follows: “Integrated Marketing is an approach to creating a unified and seamless experience for consumers to interact… READ MORE

4 Cost Effective Ways to Increase Awareness of Your Small Charity

9th March 2016

It’s not easy being a small charity. There are so many fund raising organisations competing for funds. Large charities have bigger budgets and the means to create impressive campaigns. But small charities can compete. The Movember Foundation started with two… READ MORE

Putting Together Great Event Bags

22nd February 2016

One of the perks of going to a trade show, exhibition or award ceremony is the event bag or goody bag. It always feels good to receive a free gift but there’s an art to putting together a successful goody… READ MORE

Increasing Brand Awareness with Promotional Products

26th October 2015

In last week’s post we looked at people’s perceptions of promotional products and how they influence purchase decisions. The BPMA research we referred to found that the best branded free gift is ‘a useful novelty item that is relevant and… READ MORE

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